Obligatory Year in Review – 2023

2023….what a roller coaster of unexpected twist and turns this year has been.

In preparation for this year in review, I read my post from December 2022. In that post, I talked about the fact that we had been trying for 16 months with no positive results. I went on to share the mixture of emotions that comes with not being ready to be done trying for another child and also being content with where life was at that moment. I also tooted my own horn about being active for an entire year and starting to enjoy my little run/walks, which was a big deal for me as I rarely exercised before.

The trite saying really is true…what a difference a year can make! The two big things I wrote about at the end of 2022 completely changed.

Three months into 2023, I found out I was pregnant, naturally, with our fourth child. I was hit with morning sickness (constant nausea) early on and my little run/walks completely ceased.

I remember as the first two months of 2023 passed, lamenting about how unlikely it would be that we would be able to bring home a baby in 2023. A month later we got that positive. We made it through our second, and final, pregnancy after loss. We welcomed our second son in November. His delivery and NICU stay would be traumatizing for any parents, but seeing as we already experienced the loss of our first born son, they were incredibly triggering for us. We have since been in survival mode navigating his anemia issues for the last 6 weeks; with 6 total trips to CHOP, one blood transfusion at 11 days old, and multiple labs drawn, all to thankfully be ending the year with some positive news that his hemoglobin went up!

My top 9 posts of 2023 highlight the eventful year; from continuing to remember Asher, to celebrating milestones in the girls’ lives, to spending time on vacation with family, navigating pregnancy after loss, and life after.

It’s been a year of immense change for our family, adding our final member. 2023 has brought us lots of anxiety, fear, tears, joy, love, and happiness.

Hoping 2024 brings a little less anxiety and that much more joy to us.

Sending wishes for a very happy New Year to you all!

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